Airport Farm Bids Being Taken

The Board of the Hardin County Airport Authority, pursuant to ORC Section 721.03, will receive and open bids for the leasing of 57 acres (+ or -) more or less of airport owned land no longer needed for public use, to return to production farming for the crop season 2020-2022. A three (3) year contract. The property is located in Buck Township, City of Kenton, and County of Hardin, State of Ohio. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Hardin County Airport Authority Board, 13975 County Road 135 – Kenton, Ohio 43326, until 4:30pm. on the 10th day of December 2019. The bids will be publicly opened and read at that time, with the right to raise the bid at the bid opening.

Interested parties may obtain maps of the farmland to be leased by calling the Treasurer, Tammy L. Sherman at (419) 679-1488 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday or by viewing online here.

The Hardin County Airport Authority Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularities and to award the bid in the best interest of the airport authority. All bids must be sealed.

You can view the land lease agreement here.





Tammy L. Sherman

Treasurer of the Board

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